BBU Case Study: Quicker, More Effective, and Smells Nicer

Another example of how Aquapurge’s Barrel Blitz Universal (BBU) succeeds where our competitors simply can’t! Back in 2018, when visiting a prospective customer, Italy Sales Representative Oscar Morreale suggested a mirror trial on a NEGRI BOSSI 300ton: BBU versus a competitor’s product, 80MM screw from TPU black to white. Enticed by the promise of BBU’s […]

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Aquapurge – BBU at the 11th hour

By Steve Dix, Aquapurge   17.00hrs – a wet Wednesday. North of England. I called my contact at the moulder to confirm placement of an order. The receptionist informed me that he was out but would be returning to do an emergency night shift.   Minutes later I had a call from said contact asking […]

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