Aquapurge to attain World No 1 spot by 2023

Purging with benefits – getting opportunity from the Aquapurge Challenge…

The Italian Job – Aquapurge makes further inroads

Making good grades count
I don’t know about you but I never set much store by the old school report card: Perhaps it’s my scientific frame of mind at work – the mentality that sees things as simply fact or not fact; done or not done; proven or otherwise. Any other commentary or footnotes I always feel […]

Aquapurge raises its game through the Brexit chaos
Leading purging compound producer, Aquapurge, has stepped up its programme of market communications through the past few months of Brexit chaos. All Aquapurge customers have been informed of the timely need to ensure stocks and continuity of supply. Production at the Hayes-based producer has also been increased to keep pace with possible contingencies. Aquapurge Commercial […]

Aquapurge boosts its communications savvy

Aquapurge strengthens the team with Steve Dix
It’s going to be a busy 2019 for Steve Dix: Not only is he taking on the likes of Total Warrior, The Bob Graham Round and Man versus Mountain, he is also adding his professional manpower to the growing technical sales surge at Aquapurge. Aquapurge Commercial Director, Richard Brayne-Nicholls says that ‘we are delighted to […]
Summer of opportunity for Europe’s plastics processors
Leading purging compound producer, Aquapurge, says that the upcoming summer break will provide a perfect opportunity for the maintenance and reconditioning of plastics processing equipment; preparing businesses for renewed growth come September ’18. Most factories throughout Europe, UK and Ireland will take significant time-out from the current heat wave and will operate a factory shutdown […]